Wednesday, 14 January 2009

February's Class 'A little more room'

The class I will be teaching on the 8th is this 12 x 12 page that incorporates a detatchable booklet which is neatly tucked in to little pockets! The first picture shows the booklet and the second picture shows the 12 x12 LO. It is still a work in progress but I wanted to get it on the blog to give you a sneaky peak at what we will be doing at Feb's crop! I will also be teaching you how to hand tint/ colour your photographs during this class.

I have used my LO to show off Heritage photos of my Mom & Dads wedding but this class would be suited to any topic that you have lots of photos for ! You could use it for showcasing a birthday party; a weekend away; newborn pictures; or where you have a story to tell! You will need one large sized photograph and can use from 5 to 15 photos to go inside the booklet, these can vary in size and can be added on to the LO after the class has finished!

If you would like to experiment with hand tinting bring along with you some black & white photographs that have been printed onto plain white or cream cardstock!

You will as always be given the opportunity to get together the materials for the class when you arrive, but I will also be offering pre-packaged co-ordinated kits with different themed papers for you to choose from to make life a little easier!

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